JANUARY - 2005







Bring in your winter projects & renew your membership for 2005.

Please note a new gate combo will go into effect as of march 1, 2005.

The combination will be written on the back of your new membership card



Minutes of the December, 15th 2004 Meeting


The December 15th, 2004 meeting of the RC Propbusters was called to order at 8:02pm with 15 members present.


The minutes of the November meeting were accepted as read.


The Treasurers report: was accepted as read 


 Click here for the report  (password required)


Old Business:


Meeting Place:  Tom reported back that the new Salem Library would not allow any group to schedule regular meetings within their meeting room.  Each date and time needed to be arranged independently and scheduled accordingly.  Tom will continue to look into other venues and will report back to the officers as soon as possible.  New meeting times will go into affect next month.  Fred will mail a newsletter to every member with a reminder and directions to a new location.


Sign: Bernie Liskov reported that he has all of the materials for the sign and the assembly is on schedule.


Memorial Fly-Ins: Topics were discussed regarding the naming of fly-ins after fallen members of the club.  One motion was made to honor Mark Rice by naming 2005’s club fun-fly after him.  Further thought will be put into a memorial fly in honoring all of the clubs fallen members.


New Business:


Ed Delaura: Fred reported that he received an email from Ed Delaura regarding plans for a .40 size airplane that he designed and will be offering as a short kit. 


Field Roller:  A discussion was brought up regarding work needed on the roller to ensure its proper function for years to come.  After the spring cleanup is completed, work will begin on rebuilding the roller’s engine because it is in dire need of a rebuild.


2005 Events: Fred Meyer was elected to come up with dates for 2005’s events and report back his ideas to the club in the newsletter for the January meeting. 


Board of Directors:

Lester Smith: Will continue for another year to replace the loss of Mark Rice

Bernie Liskov: Was nominated to replace Phil Norman as his term ends this year. 

Paul Franciosi: Has one year of his term remaining

Eric Ehrenfels: Was nominated to a 2-year term.


Officers: The officers nominated last month to hold positions for 2005 were elected as follows:

Lou Carpio: President

Dennis Duplice: Vice President

Ron Czikowsky: Treasurer

John Banks: Secretary


Gate: A discussion was brought up about changing the lock combination and replacing the old lock, as it is not functioning properly.  The lock will be replaced and the combination will be changed and reported to members with their updated membership cards for 2005.  The new combination will take affect March 1st, 2005.


 A motion was made and the meeting adjourned at 9:02pm.


              Respectfully Submitted, John Banks IV – Secretary